Iron sauce, hyper casual game development know-how sharing
[Eye News 24 Moon Young — Sew] Iron sauce introduced the recent hyper casual game development know-how.
The Public Solution of the Iron Source, the Super Sonic Studio, the NIR Negev (NIR Negev) Hyper Casual Game Publishing General, shared a 21-day know-how to increase the rate of hyper casual games in all publishing processes' in all publishing processes that the domestic developers will see.
NIR Regent's overall is a specialized in building a hyper casual game strategic partnership and a new business model at the time of Establishing Public Solution Super Sonic.
Based on the experience of successful hyper casual games, he summarized six tips for hyper casual games. ▲ Building game concepts through various industry analysis ▲ Multiple kinds of short prototyping ▲ Creating a different kind of game ▲ Creative for key gameplay ▲ Analyzing app indicators ▲ Analyzing a benchmark decision ▲ Benchmark crystal ▲ Game design and monetization A / B test to be.
First, if you set a clear core outlet for a hyper-casual game, you can find the basis for the success of the game publishing phase, and you can complete the rest of the remaining steps to complete the remaining steps and the explanation of your overall. First, it is better to build a game concept based on a successful game and market trend of a popular successful game and advertising material.
Find popular video bulletin boards, Instagram, and YouTube channels, and always see what content is popular in SNS, and in the case of market analysis sites such as App Annie (APP Annie), SensorTower, It can be used as a reference to the concept building. For example, the ASMR trend, which was popular on YouTube, has lifted the spread of various hyper casual ASMR games.
He ordered to test the game as a version of the game, designing the game as a number of versions of the game, and testing the lowest CPI. The publisher is because of the version of the market through marketing testing among various prototypes. He adviseded that he did not take too much time or effort to produce prototypes.
The Bellflower of the NIR Regent said, Based on the CPI, it is a goal to quickly identify if the prototype has a potential. It will be based on lowering the CPI to less than $0.25. After this goal is met, I can build and start working with the completeness.
If you have created a prototype that recorded a positive CPI, the next step is to show the game through an attractive advertising material and bring your users to the game. He introduced the first tip of the advertising material for developers, which introduced the game play of the advertisement before marketability testing. No matter how good game concept, it does not make a game play in the first 4 seconds of video ads, so no user can not understand the game correctly.
It is also important to measure the moment you need to give up. Generally, the CPI of the game that passes through the marketing test is analyzed at $0.25 or less. If the CPI is higher than this reference point, it is his advice to return to the first development stage and make a new prototype.
NIR Legged's overall is You should not fall into a trap that wastes the time to improve the CPI instead of changing the prototype testing or testing other game concepts, and I can hear it like a harsh story, but CPI is 0.40 ~ 0.45 If it is more than a dollar, it is a wise judgment that goes to a new idea.
If you have achieved the target CPI, you should now be aimed at maintaining efficiency. Every time we have to focus on adding 30 to 40 new levels per update, he emphasized that this standard is the ideal level that this level of experience is the most ideal level that can reach the benchmark of the play time and residual rate of hyper casual games.
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