Magdeburg-Trainer Titz expects Turkstick "Highly motivated"

On Saturday, the FCM-Truck travels south, it goes to Munich to TurkGücü, which stands before a deduction of eleven points, maybe even before the early retreat from the third league game operation. The signs in front of this duel are therefore crystal clear.

And yet Christian Titz sees the whole thing not as a coffee vehicle to the Olympic Stadium. The Bördestädter would like to shine hardly about 1500 own fans. No, the location at TurkGücü games "no role", so the guest coach, who wishes that the Munich "finish the season too. Everything else would be distortion of competition." (So ​​the table looks up to date, you would prepare the games of the Munich.)

Where: Would Turk Gücü in the spring of the game rating, Magdeburg would be the three points from the first leg (4: 0). But the group of FCM hunters do not make it better.

Nevertheless, Titz does not want to experiment in Munich. "It's about three points that we absolutely want to get for us. The focus is complete on Munich. We meet a highly motivated team with many good individualists who certainly become pure everything." Despite the acute problems with a 1-0 victory in Dortmund, Türkkücü also sent a sign of life, which has certainly sharpened the Magdeburg senses.

Interview Cheftrainer Titz und Sportdirektor Schork

Next chance for burgers?

Titz has to do without Saturday on Luca Schuler (Yellow Lock), Alexander Bittroff (muscle fiber rupture in the calf) and Florian Kath (inflammation of the heel).

For Bittroff Korbinian Burger is expected to move into the initial formation, whose contract expires in the summer. About his current situation, the 1,89-meter defense edge thoughts: "Of course, I am glad that I have come back at the time when one was missing, that I could play and collect minutes."

The remaining games of the season looks Burger as an application round, says to his future: "My contract runs out. That's always a situation where you may be able to recommend good games." Now he is waiting what the calls for the next few weeks will bring.
