[Planning] IT review you, what are you writing?
■ IT review you, what are you writing? - Mouse
Mouse in the gaming peripherals ** is the sector of the hand of the hand and the user's attitude, the personal taste, as well as the game, which is a perfect field. Because it is a variety of businesses, it is a field that is a spheres in gaming related products with monitors.
I usually ask them to see a variety of hardware. Useful, or a brilliant gaze for products that are being used, or interested in the product!
By the time IT reporter work in the fpstion, I was not interested in mouse. If you have been from the vibration of the keyboard, but when you were not interested in the mouse, I do not know. If you have kept the last pride that you do not like fps genre, or at that time, you have a bizarre design because it was a bizarre design that was a bizarre design that was like a bizarre design that was a bizarre design that was transformed into a robot like a scene of the trance.
The important thing is that it is very nice now. It is a great deal of interest in the field, but it has been a lot of interest in the field so that it is a long time ago, but it is a lot of mouse, which is a person who is using it personally. Even in the office and the house and the house is using the same mouse.
Every moment, there will be a preferred mouse. Like the past, G102 cotton Okay, or just a mouse that mouse mice with a pc slope, and a mouse that gives the mouse is a mouse, and a gamer who prefer light products is not wireless, it will also be an absolutely acceptable user. I wondered because of their vision of others.
I took a lot of hardware, and I asked me about the team members and my mouse that I know, and I am interested. It is a mouse that starts with the products you use these days, or it is a technique or new product that you want to introduce this corner to the Wilper. If the corner's response is good, the keyboard, monitor, and further can be talked to a chair and a desk, but if you do not have to finish your mouse, you might have been trying to deal with the contents.
If you want the latest technology such as wireless, optical axis? Beck reporter: Hespirate the latest technology that can not be fully enjoyed by my ability
Which person is
If you are a steadily enjoying a game, you will have a gamer that you have enjoyed a game in a new game or a new patch, or suddenly on a new patch, and suddenly on a new patch. This is a person who writes this article. Except for the FPS, the game itself is quite diverse, but deeply digging, the game eventually enjoyed, or the game that covers the IP, or the IP of the IP, and the Nintendo game also realized that the importance of the mouse was relatively late.
The interest in the mouse was encouraged to have a variety of products that have been encountered in various products, "If I look for a favorite mouse, I will buy it in the office, one in the office, and sold it for about two years. I opened it, and I have been on a used price, but I thought of a market survey cost and enjoyed an adventure.
As a personal condition, the hand is pretty large, and the appearance is a big or higher mouse. The grip method is when it is in the game, but it is different, but it is striving to be grasped by a palm grip.
What is important to think important?
I did not support two things. First, I confirmed whether I supported wireless. It was a great satisfaction of wireless support so I would like to write a good mouse before. The second is whether there is no physical contact, which supports the optical axis switch. This is because I heard too much about the double-click issue of mouse to support physical switches. It is a side that is adhesion from the moment I am convinced about the purchased product, but it is because there is no unexpected as much as the balance is severe.
This is also associated with why I am not interested in mice. The performance of the product that eats a big heart and the performance of the purchased product is good that I have noticed that I have a good idea that I have been hard to feel, and there is a lot of prejudice for physical switches because it was a lot to say that the balance was severe. Of course, I used G102 and I have not experienced double-click issues.
What products are you writing now?
The currently used mouse is a total of three, two are the same product. One is used in the office, and the remaining two are used depending on the game environment. The products purchased by two are 'Steel Series Prime Wireless', and the rest of the "Laser Deathder V2 Pro (DEFO)."
I took quite a long time until I decided to set it up with fuzing . No, exactly the faith is to continue adventure until the post-release is released and accurate. I used all mice to support the wireless + optical axis switch on the market. Although there was a more satisfactory part of the various products, there was a more satisfactory part than the fuzer, but the reason why the fu selection was not replaced and funny click feeling.
I have been using the fuzzy apricelessly, I hit the limit. Compared to a relatively high click pressure. When I click on the sound, I feel pretty light, but it is quite a pretty high pressure. When the roll was only, there was no big burden on this click pressure, but I enjoyed the 'Diablo 2: Larelor (hereinafter referred to as Diablo, "Diablo 2: I started to raise my hands. This is because it is a game that requires frequent right clicks over rolls.
During numerous mice through me, I repurchased Delivery V2 Pro with submoses. A mouse used by a roll projecter (a striker). The product was one of the reasons why the size itself was satisfactory, but it was a bit low, However, this disadvantage was as much as the advantage when enjoying Dia reservoir. Dia reservoirs are still using the product when dealing with a ranged champion that is still working on a roll now.
▶ Asymmetric: Steel Series Prime Mouse 3 Reviews ▶ The second life mouse selected by the mouse contained, 'Laser Desorptor V2 Pro' Review
Do you have any products you watch?
It will be correctly 'branded brand'. Germany's gaming peripheral brand, 'Roccat' is looking at the product. This is a product called 'Raccon Pro Air' handled by Rocat, and this mouse went through my hand. The other thing is that I like it, but I have been inevitable because of my mouse grip method.
This is because we are working to adhere to the Palm Grip Act and have a habit of stopping on the wheel when catching up. Because of the product nature, the wheel click pressure is very low. Therefore, because the wheel is pressed and the wheel is not used to use it. All of the products I use are all black, which supports white, and I have been steadily satisfied except for the wheel buttons. I hope that a new product or a supplemented product would have come out.
It is also anticipated that 'Logitech', called a gaming peripheral apple, is also anticipated. Most global gaming peripherals have been quite old to deal with mouse to support optical axis switches. But in Logitech, it is unfortunate that it is not yet handling a mouse that has been equipped with that technology. Personally, if a product introducing an optical axis switch, it seems to be purchased.
▶ Rocat of users who use only asymmetric mouse, Consailer
Do you want reality? Notice this person Caller: Total Game Expert. FPS E Sports Game Pro Inevitable
Which person is
왜 주변에 한 명씩 있지 않은가. 어떠한 계기로 PC방에서 함께 게임을 시작했는데 어느 순간 좁혀지지 않는 실력차가 생겨버리는 재능 덩어리들. 평소엔 차분하고 얌전하며 깊은 샘물 같은 느낌의 선밴데 총 게임 얘기만 나오면 알아들을 수 없는 용어와 함께 끓어오르는 욕망을 표출하는 그런 부류. 내가 본 콜기자는 그런 사람이다.
20대 때, 남자들끼리 주야장천 나눴던 얘기는 "나 스타 준프로야"라던가, "나 RPG 랭커였어", "위닝 뜰래?" 등이었다. 영양가 없는 저 얘기들을 요즘 식으로 표현하면 "나 예전에 리그오브레전드 플레였어" 정도로 의미 없는, 증명되지 않는 것들이었다. 하지만 입사 얼마 후, 블리자드에서 온 오버워치 e스포츠 프로 오퍼 메일을 수줍게 보여주던 그의 눈동자는 처음이자 마지막으로 초롱초롱했던 기억이 있다.
코로나19 여파와 바쁜 실무로 인해 일 얘기가 아니면 잘 안 하던, 가장 가까운 포지션에서 제일 오랜 시간을 함께 보낸 직장 동료와 오랜만에 마우스 얘기로 꽃을 피워봤다. 요즘 잘나가는 총 게임 뭐냐고. 마우스는 뭐 쓰냐고.
What products are you writing now?
현재 제닉스 타이탄 에어 무선(이하 타에무) 제품을 사용하고 있다. 쓴 지 꽤 오래됐다. (맞아, 이거 나 입사한 지 1년 안됐을 때 리뷰 했던 제품인데) 퍼포먼스가 눈에 띄게 갈리는 편이라 잘 안 바꾸려 하고 있다. 개인적으로 한 마우스에 적응하는 데에 꽤 오랜 시간이 걸리는 편이며 따라서 피시방에 가면 최소 1시간에서 3시간까지 최약체 수준이다. 요즘 끈덕지게 즐길만한 FPS 게임도 없고.. 그냥 예전에 했던 게임들을 동네 친구들과 "그땐 그랬지" 느낌으로 가볍게 즐기는 수준으로 하고 있다.
▶ 뭘 좋아하는지 몰라서 다 넣었어! 제닉스, 타이탄 G 에어 무선 게이밍 마우스 리뷰
이 마우스는 비대칭 구조의 마우스인데 어려서부터 비대칭 제품들을 사용하다 보니 대칭형을 굳이 생각하지 않았고, BenQ ZOWIE EC2(이하 ec2) 를 사용하면서 대칭형 제품은 쳐다도 안 봤다. 무선 마우스를 선호하며 그때 당시 랭크 게임에 목말라 있는 상태가 아니었기 때문에 가벼운 마음으로 타에무를 구입했고 꽤 만족하며 사용 중이다. 아무래도 시대를 선도하는 최신 기술이라던가 압도적으로 아름다운 디자인보다는 쉘이나 크기에 영향을 많이 받는 편이다.
6개월 이상으로 장기간 썼던 마우스를 순서대로 나열해 보겠다. 본격적으로 장비 욕심이 나서 구매한 제품 중 가장 먼저 사용한 것은 서든어택 마우스로 유명한 마이크로소프트 인텔리 마우스 익스플로러 3.0, 그다음엔 시대의 역작인 로지텍 mx518 을 사용했다. 이후 스틸시리즈 이카리, 로지텍 g402 를 거쳐 아까 언급한 ec2b를 꽤 오래 썼다. 그리고 가성비에 반해 입문한 타에무에 적응되어 잘 쓰고 있다.
▶ 로지텍 마우스 레전드 ③ - 네가 류제홍 마우스렷다? 로지텍 G402 기획
언급한 제품들은 모두 비대칭 제품이며 사이사이에 대칭 제품들도 사용해 봤다. 피시방 마우스로 유명한 로지텍 G1 부터 시작하여 현재 국민 마우스인 로지텍 G102, 그리고 BenQ ZOWIE S2 정도까지 사용해 봤다.
혹시 사용해 보고 싶은 마우스나 기대하고 있는 제품이 있는지?
Pulsar Xlite 무선 과 글로리어스 MODEL D 무선 제품을 사고 싶다. 사실 사용해 보고 싶다기보다는 구매 욕구가 샘솟게 되면 사게 될 제품. 예전만큼 FPS 게임을 하지 않다 보니 욕심이 좀 사라진 편이다. 재밌는 FPS 게임이 나오거나 부활하게 된다면 관심이 많아질지도 모르겠다.
이 자리를 빌려서 꼭 하고 싶은 말이 있다. 조위기어는 제발 똥고집 좀 그만 부리고 무선 좀 내주십시오. 무선 내면 돈 2배로 벌 수 있잖아요. 코팅 좀 개선하면 돈 3배로 벌 수 있잖아요.
IT 팀 내의 샐럽. 트렌디한 선택을 원한다면
코기자: 그냥 그런 사람들 있잖아.. 추리닝도 멋있게 입는 사람
Which person is
코기자도 주변에 한 명 즈음은 있을 법한 사람이다. 내가 추리닝을 입으면 그냥 동네 편의점 나가는 아저씨의 느낌이라면 이 사람은 추리닝을 입고 출근해도 당장에 마이크만 쥐여주면 잘나가는 유명 래퍼라고 해도 믿을 것 같은 트렌디함을 갖춘 인물. 맥북으로 업무를 본다고 해서 추켜세우는 것은 절대 아니다. 이는 유행에 민감한 영상 쪽 관련 업무도 도맡아 하는 직원이다 보니 그런 것 같다.
소개 글을 정리하다 보니 4명의 팀원 중 가장 독특한 포지션에 위치한 것 같다. 각종 온라인 게임에 강한 3명의 기자와는 다르게 유행했던 혹은 하고 있는 스팀 게임을 얕지만 폭넓게 알고 있는 코기자를 보고 있노라면 게임도 참 멋스럽게 한다는 느낌이 든다. 또한 PC에 특화된 나머지 인원과는 다르게 게임 패드를 활용한 콘솔 게임에도 꽤 관심이 많더라. 이 사람에게 언젠가는 내 취향의 게임을 공유하고 함께 즐기자고 해봐야겠다.
지금 어떤 제품을 사용하고 있는가?
현재 레이저 프로 클릭 마우스를 사용하고 있다. 나는 개인적으로 마우스를 비롯한 PC 주변기기를 구매할 때, 몇 가지 조건을 두고 고른다. 첫째로는 흰색, 많이 양보해서 회색까지는 타협하는 편이다. 두 번째는 정서에 좋지 않은 괴상한 로고(ex. 뱀 로고)가 없어야 하고, 셋째로는 RGB를 싫어한다.
또한 업무 및 환경 특성상, 데스크탑과 노트북, 태블릿을 오가며 사용하기 때문에 무선과 블루투스 모두를 지원하는 제품이어야 한다. 아, 애초에 유선 제품은 쓰지 않는다는 얘기. 다만 내가 원하는 조건에 부합하는 제품들은 대부분 게이밍에 특화된 기능을 제공하지 않기 때문에 선택지가 거의 없다고 해도 무방하다. 애초에 사무용도로 유명한 로지텍 mx 마스터 시리즈, 애니웨어 시리즈로는 게임을 즐기기 어렵다.
그렇기 때문에 그나마 내게 가장 적합하다고 판단하는 레이저 프로 클릭 마우스를 사용하고 있다. 텍스트로 나열했을 때는 꽤 까다로워 보이지만 정작 그 조건에만 부합하면 애플의 매직 마우스라던가 그런 기괴한 제품이 아닌 이상 별 불편함 없이 잘 쓰는 막손이기 때문에 만족하며 사용하고 있다. 당장에 비교할 제품이라면 사무실에서 사용하고 있는 로지텍 G603 무선보다 가벼워서 손목에 무리가 덜 가는 느낌이 있다.
다만 제품을 사용하면서 느낀 단점은 땀이 많이 차는 편이며 좌우 고무 그립 부분의 마모가 빠르다. 또한 충전 기능이 정말 불만족스럽다. 애플 마우스 다음으로 별로다. 충전 방식이 마이크로 5핀 단자인 것도 모자라 동봉된 전용 케이블이 아니면 연결을 못 하게 만들어 놓았다.
눈여겨 보고 있는 제품이 있는지?
레이저 바이퍼 얼티메이트 머큐리. 나도 마우스 충전 독 쓰고 싶다. 현재 사용하고 있는 제품들의 충전 케이블을 뺐다 꼈다 하다 보면 내가 이러려고 무선 마우스 샀나 싶을 정도로 현실 자각 타임이 오기도 한다. 다만 앞서 얘기한 기괴한 로고 + RGB 때문에 눈팅만 하고 있다. 뱀 로고가 없어지고 RGB 기능이 빠진다면 바로 구매할 의사가 있다. 혹은 파격적인 할인 이벤트가 온다거나.
모든 것을 파악하고 매사에 신중한 타입이라면
키기자: 지름신의 때가 묻지 않은 데이터 수집가
Which person is
I have not been able to find it yet, but despite not to be a bullet, I was written in toxic IT related products. The three-person introduced earlier is the icon of the IT company, if I would like to feel the IT enterprise's meeting. I do not care about IT products, but if you throw a bait, it is not that. It seems to be carefully confirmed that the product is carefully confirmed in front of the market in front of the market that shows new products differently.
Recently, I recently moved the Keyboard and the mouse. The keyboard is so well-known, so I was talking about this, and the product that I was considering was a long time ago, but I was borrowed in my underwater, but I never heard about the mouse taste of the keywide. Which products have been uploaded on his mouse candidate that was slow,
What products are you using now?
He is currently using Logitech G102 and Zenix Titan G, called the National Mouse. In the case of Logitech G102 , everyone has a person who would have used it once in the PC room, and it is a society class, and it was a part of the product that was a good product. In addition, the hand is small compared to the pet, and G102 is perfect for the hands of the hand, and it is a product that is already familiar with me.
Genix Titan G is sometimes used because the senior reporter was "I have to write a light product when I do this" when I enjoy the FPS game for a while. It is often lighter because of the appropriate size, grip, and anything else.
▶ Logitech Mouse Legend ⑤ - 1st place mouse in the rogue fee! Logitech G102 Planning ▶ I came back to wireless! Genix Titan G, Titan G Mini Wireless products 2 reviews
So this is the mouse to be new to this time?
I have not set up one, but candidates are. Currently interested in the product is Logitech G502 wireless and Genix Titan GX Air Wireless Mouse. Like ahead, I often think that I often want to use a mouse that I will enjoy a fps game like G102, as I often enjoy a FPS game. The Logitech G903 is borne by the price Logitech G502 is considering the wireless mouse.
The Genex Titan product is actually used, and I think that the appearance is also not very bad for the appearance and the weight is not bad. Genenics Titan GX Air Wireless is also considering. In fact, it is the top priority that you want to change with a wireless mouse, rather than choosing a specific product. However, because he had been worried on the time of charge or game play, he had not been moved to the execution because he was worried on the management side.
However, as a result of actually experiencing many products and testing, there was no breakdown of gameplay, and nowadays, it is possible to use the product, which is a rechargeable wireless ludam, and now it is possible to determine the real purchase now same.
However, the reason why not reaching the purchase is not Logitech G Pro X Super Lite . Getting a chance to test a chance to test this product and then to buy a mouse. I do not know that I do not know if Zashira likes, but I do not know.
▶ Can I feel comfortable to Millson? Genix Titan GX Air Wired Mouse Reviews ▶ When the gamer used only the national product, when the ultra-lightweight wireless mouse, 'Logitech Zashra' ▶ The hand is okay, it's okay, plenty of pink emotion, Logitech Zashra Pink Review **
Foot: How do I think about my mouse Kim Makni: I do not have a great interest, but I'm not indifferent.
While writing content, I heard that. Do women gamers are interested in mice? I recently gave her wife to her wife, bought a gaming mouse over 100,000 won. But now I am very satisfied and questioned in use. I do not have anyone who has expensive products, but maybe you are interested,
There was also an fpstant. Nowadays, the Kim Maemen, who enjoys Rost Arc and League Obrard, had a picture of Logech G302 , which is used to be used in the question that you are interested in mice.
Why did you choose this product?
Previously, I used M-company's gaming mouse. I was using it well in talking about the lyrics that I had a good time, but one mouse click. It is the first time that I have to do it, but I have not used the Logitech G302 in the office. I have purchased separately and use it at home. I thought that the price would have a little price because of the brand image and these things, but Logitech was also good to have good products.
I can not avoid comparing with G102 used by many people, personally G302 is better fit in my hand. I tried to touch the G102 used by other employees. I do not know that I do not know that I have already adapted, but I think G302 is related to the next thinner when I saw the appearance.
Do you have any products that you have, or if you have a product to be released in the future?
I have used the Logitech Bluetooth mouse for the past, which was not a problem, but it was too annoying, but the process of charging was too annoying. It seems to be able to purchase when the bluetooth mouse is released to be easy or a long lasting bluet.
I have heard that there is a mouse pad that recently charged automatically, and there is a personally burdensome price and that the cute character should give up a crowded chamber. If the mouse pad is writing and getting dirty, is not it writing to wash or refresh?
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