APEX Legends Summer Sundown Event - dates, cosmetics sale, free prize track

The Summer Sunset event came at the Apex Legends, and players will be able to get several free cosmetics, purchase several unique sets and get XP, performing various tasks. The event Summer Sunset will be held from July 6 to 12, 2022, and the Summer Sunset Sale will also be available in a special store. This time, players will be able to purchase legendary skins for three different legends: Valkyrie , Gibraltar as well as mirage .

tracking free prizes in APEX Legends Summer Sundown Event

The summer sunset event will include a free prize tracker that allows players to purchase unique cosmetic objects, performing several tasks. Players will be able to perform various intra-game tasks in order to earn points that accumulate in the prize counter every day. At the final stage of the event Summer Sunset there is a holographic picture of Epic Clutch, which players can earn by gaining 3000 points.

All cosmetics on the sale Summer Sunset in Apex Legends

set Fluourescent Tech Pack (6000 APEX coins)

  • Fluorescent technology-the legendary skin of the Valkyrie (available separately for 1800 APEX coins)
  • 60 APEX packages


Set Boump System Pack (3950 APEX coins)

  • Booming System-the legendary skin of Gibraltar (available separately for 2500 APEX coins)
  • Beat Dropper-legendary skin r-99
  • 30 APEX packages

Night Crawler Pack (3950 APEX coins)

  • Night Crawler-legendary Mirage skin (available separately for 2500 APEX coins)
  • 40 APEX packages

SPECTRE PACK (1000 APEX coins)

  • Pocket ghost-an epic amulet for weapons
  • 20 APEX sets

set Off Pack (6700 APEX coins)

  • Climbing to the top-an epic amulet for weapons
  • 100 packages APEX

The Valkyrie network may rejoice, since Flourescent Tech is one of the rarest legendary skins in the game, and it appears immediately after its family relic was released in the Awakening Collection event. Players who want to get free cosmetics as part of the summer sunset event will have about a week to complete all the tasks!

Do you want to know how to earn RP and switch to a higher rank in APEX Legends? Check out the best ways to earn RP in the rating season APEX Legends 13 in the game manuals for professionals!
