Images discarded by Perfect Dark for N64 come to light

In recent years, beta versions of quite old games have been announced, clear examples of this are the prototype version of the first Sonic The Hedgehog and the demo would have been Dinosaur Planet of Rare . And speaking of this British developer, unpublished images of another of their titles for the Nintendo 64 were found recently.

Specifically, it is in a discarded manner of the shooter Perfect Dark , the archived footage comes from the YouTube of hard games , provided by LivingaRetrogaminglife. Making a bit of how this function was going to show off, which as already known, did not come out in the final product or in later ports such as the rare replay collection.

Images of the 1999 E3 that show #PerfectDark in the Perfect Head of #N64, which would have allowed you to scan your face in the game!

The Perfect Head mode was intended to use photos imported from the Game Boy Camera through the transfer pa k. This would allow the player to put his face on the heads of the guards. The characteristic was eliminated due to technical problems, but was shown during the E3 of 1999 .


Remember that the only way to play Perfect Dark is currently through Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S . Either individually or in the rare replay collection.
