All cell phones and smartphones ring on December 8th - for an important reason


You rarely get an SMS. But on December 8th everyone will get such a message on their cell phone or smartph1. There is an exercise behind it.

Dortmund-If the smartphone is swinging, that can mean a lot. It could be a WhatsApp message, an email, a notification on Facebook or Instagram. It can even be the good old SMS, which also depends on the classic cell phones. And on December 8th, all smartphones and cell phones will actually receive such a relic.

All cell phones and smartphones ring on December 8th-for an important reason

If all smartphones and cell phones ring on December 8th at 11 a.m., some users could be somewhat irritated by the sender. Because the number of the Federal Office for Population Protection and Disaster Aid (BBK) will have saved at least in their favorite contact list. The SMS sent by the BBK is a warning-but a test warning.

The next nationwide warning day will take place on December 8th. On this day of action, the federal and state governments rehearse the emergency. At 11 a.m., the authorities will test the available warning funds such as digital city display boards, warning apps such as Nina, siren or radio and television (more digital news at ).

New warning via SMS to all cell phones and smartphones in December

In December, the warning about mobile communications will also be added to cell phones that cannot yet access warning apps like Nina. The new system is called Cell Broadcast and is actually not yet in operation. The tests run and from February 23, the new warning channel will be activated for the warning areas in the modular warning system of the federal government (Mows).

The test phase begins with the warning day in December and a test warning message in the highest warning level will be sent for the first time. If users have switched on their cell phone or smartphone and the mobile network works without interference, each device will receive a test warning.

Warn-SMS on the nationwide warning day in December does not require registration

But how does the new warning channel work if I have never specified my phone number? The number is not necessary at all. Recipients receive the warning message completely anonymously. This works via the radio cell in which you are in. Because each mobile phone automatically registers in a radio cell that uses a network reception.

If a danger event takes place, all people within the affected radio cell who have a reception mobile phone device will receive a warning message in the form of a Cell Broadcast message. Nothing has to be set up in advance and users do not have to register anywhere.

The warning is only a text message. No cards or pictures are sent. Sending should also work when the network is overloaded-you know the effect from New Year's Eve.

Warn tag in Germany tests warning systems through its paces

The Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home (BMI), the Federal Office for Population Protection and Disaster Aid (BBK), the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV) and the Federal Network Agency (Beta) are involved in the new warning system. The responsible persons hope that the new system will have a great impact in the existing warning mix. As a result, more people should be achieved in a barrier-low path.

The aim of the nationwide warning day is to test the technical processes in the event of a warning and also the technical warning funds. If necessary, improvements should be made. The case of the flood disaster had recently shown that the existing warning systems were not sufficient.

Rubric list picture: © MIS/Imago
